Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fancy Pants Chef Skills

Can you blame me for wanting to chop and dice at two hundred miles an hour? Yeah, I move fast in the kitchen, in fact I look like a Tasmania Devil on steroids. But I want to chop like the big boys and girls do on the food network. I want to make chopping look pretty. Is that too much to ask? Therefore, I have enlisted the help of a trained chef. He is showing me how is done.
We started yesterday as a matter of fact. He asked me to chop some thyme, and after my very sad and pathetic attempt, he took over and pulverized the poor herb. It was a thing of beauty. I just need to practice some more and lose the irrational fear or inadvertently chopping a finger two.

We also made some delicious Gnocchi, from scratch, it was my first time eating it; it is easy to make and cook. He also showed me how to make a very delicious and pretty salad that he dubbed “too pretty”. It was in fact very pretty, but his wife did not think it was “too pretty”, neither did I.
I had a great time and allowed myself to eat things I have never tried before, and guess what? I liked all, stinky cheese and all. There was no meat in sight and still I found it all delicious. We will of course remedy that next week, I figured one meatless meal would not kill me, but is about enough for me. I am going to BJs and getting myself a big hunk of ribeye steaks large enough to feed a small army for next week’s adventure.
I tried to duplicate the Gnocchi at home earlier today and the result I am pleased to say, was very satisfying.

I am learning fine cooking skills and at the same time I am letting myself experience new things; a few months before my thirty-fourth birthday and I am still growing and discovering new things about myself. What more can a girl ask for?

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